With so many paints, gels, mediums and grounds for acrylic painters out there, walking into an art store is overwhelming and confusing. You often end up buying some cool looking product and then never use it as you don't know what to do with it. This workshop is in-depth coverage to teach you about what various acrylic paints, gels, pastes and mediums do - and save you money at the art store ensuring you buy the right product for your creative needs. As a Golden Artist Educator, Kate has done extensive training with Golden Paints and can help clear up any confusion you may have on the wide range of acrylic options for artists.
First half of the workshop is detailed explanation of what the products do while each participant makes themselves a convenient reference chart. Questions and answers throughout. The second part allows you to experiment with the products themselves to see what they do yourself.
WEEKEND - Saturday, 1-5
May 11th, 2019
$75 + HST
All materials provided
*Please note - a minimum number of students is required to run this class. If this enrolment is not reached you will receive a full refund.
What is heavy body, soft body, fluid, high flow and OPEN paint?
When and why do you use a gel and when do you use a paste?
What products are absorbent and why does that matter?
What the heck is a ground and why are there so many?25
As an art educator for GOLDEN paints, I have had extensive training on how to use these amazing products. During this 2 hour session, I will explain what gels and pastes can do and show you how to use them. I will explain the difference between all of the acrylic paints and show you what their specific abilities are and why they were designed.
We will then have a question answer time to find out any other things you want to know about these products. Coffee, Tea and snacks provided.